Japanese tea ceremony

I keep a list of things to do before I die (don't you?). Participating in a Japanese Tea Ceremony was one of these things. Most of the other things on my list are a bit more daring like "Go SCUBA Diving" (Done) or "Skydive" (Not done but maybe next year for my 40th). A tea ceremony was on the list, however, becuase of my love of tea. It was a great experience, not to mention some of the best tea I've ever had. I asked the lady who conducted our ceremony if I could take her picture and she excitedly invited all of the ladies to join in. We couldn't speak each other's language at all but we sure laughed, bowed, smiled, and laughed some more.
You can learn more about the Japanese Tea Ceremony here: http://web-japan.org/factsheet/tea/tea_c.html
[Pictured: Me, Yuki-san, and his fiancee Makiko-san]
That would have been great to be a part of, and not be able to speak the language would have just added to it. Jananese I hear is a very difficult language to learn. Beautiful to hear, almost impossible to undersand if you don't.
I think it might not be to difficult to learn to speak Japanese but to read it... Well, I have to wholeheartedly agree with you there.
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